Our CCPDT certified instructors pride themselves on using scientifically proven force-free, positive reinforcement based training methods to ensure that both you and your dog enjoy the learning process. We offer a variety of training options from group classes, to private instruction, to our specially formulated Academy Program.
Our Group Classes
Puppy Kindergarten - 4 weeks long, 6 spots available
The Puppy K Program is essential for all owners with puppies under 4 months of age. We focus on developing skills which will aid your puppy in becoming a well-mannered adult. Socialization with people, housetraining, crate training, nipping, potty training, and handling are just a few of the topics covered in this incredible class. Your puppy will get a head start in name recognition, coming when called, sits and downs, and loose leash walking. The first few months of a dog's life are critical in how they will develop later on in life. With our Puppy K class, your dog will be on the right track to avoid behavioral issues such as fear, aggression, and anxiety. The cost of this course is $200. From new owner to pro, this class is for you!
Family Manners - 5 weeks long, 6 spots available
The Novice Trick Dog class is a course open to all dogs who have graduated Family Manners and is a fun class geared towards helping your dog achieve their AKC Novice Trick Dog title. It is the starting level of all the Trick Dog courses, and covers AKC approved novice level tricks such as balance beam, sitting in a box, shake, high five, find it, hand targeting, hand signals, push ups, crawl, jump, paws up, kiss, and get on. It is a 5 week course with 4 weeks being prep and practice, and the final week being the test which is administered by one of our AKC approved CGC evaluators. Take this class for the title or just to have some fun with your pup!
Life Skills I - 5 weeks long, 6 spots available
This second level class is a step up from your average training course. We start to hone skills such as loose leash walking, settling in a place command, waiting politely at doors and gates, proper greetings (for dogs and people), and focus on how to instill impulse control in even the most energetic of dogs. To participate in Life Skills, your pup must complete the Family Manners course first. The cost for this course is $250. Your vision of walking your dog down a busy main street or sitting at an outdoor cafe can become reality!
Life Skills II - 5 weeks long, 6 spots available
The Life Skills II course is open to all pups who have completed Life Skills I and concentrates on more advanced behaviors for those that want to go above and beyond in their dog training. Skills covered include drop recall, extended stays with distractions, passing other dogs on leash, go visit, and advanced leave it. A great segway class between Life Skills I and CGC, this course will help to refine and perfect your dog’s basic skills and introduce some brand new ones to their repertoire. Are you up to the challenge?
Novice Trick Dog - 5 weeks long, 6 spots available
The Novice Trick Dog class is a course open to all dogs who have graduated Family Manners and is a fun class geared towards helping your dog achieve their AKC Novice Trick Dog title. It is the starting level of all the Trick Dog courses, and covers AKC approved novice level tricks such as balance beam, sitting in a box, shake, high five, find it, hand targeting, hand signals, push ups, crawl, jump, paws up, kiss, and get on. It is a 5 week course with 4 weeks being prep and practice, and the final week being the test which is administered by one of our AKC approved CGC evaluators. Take this class for the title or just to have some fun with your pup!
Intermediate Trick Dog - 5 weeks long, 6 spots available
The Intermediate Trick Dog class is the next level up from our Novice Trick Dog class and follows the same structure, with 4 weeks of prep and the fifth being the test with our AKC CGC evaluator! This intermediate level class covers tricks such as catch, pushing a button, rollover, place, heeling with auto sits, leg weaving, and the shell game. This is a challenging but fun class for those looking to get an AKC title or just to strengthen the bond with your pup!
Canine Good Citizen (CGC) - 6 weeks long, 4 spots available
The Canine Good Citizen course is open to all dogs who have completed both Family Manners and Life Skills classes. It is our most advanced class that is designed to help your dog pass their CGC exam, which is administered during the final class session by one of our AKC approved CGC evaluators. Skills covered will include the 10 CGC test items: Accepting a friendly stranger, sitting politely for petting, appearance and grooming, walking on a loose leash, walking through a crowd, sit and down on cue with a stay, coming when called, reaction to other dogs, reaction to distractions, and supervised separation. When your dog passes this course, they will receive their official CGC title and certificate (as well as all of the bragging rights!)

It is important to us that you enjoy training your dog as much as your dog enjoys learning new behaviors…. or unlearning the bad behaviors!
Our Private Lessons
Private lessons are held one-on-one with one of our instructors and are tailored specifically to you and what your training goals are for your pup! They are held in our state-of-the-art facility and are flexible in terms of meeting times with sessions available on weekdays, weekends and evenings to accommodate even the busiest of schedules. Ideal for behavioral modification work, private lessons allow us to move at the pace that your dog needs to feel comfortable and get the most out of training. Private lessons are 45 minutes long and cost $150 per session, or we also offer a package deal of 5 sessions for $650.
The Academy Program
The Academy Program is a lodge and train program designed to help your dog get the most out of training during their stay with us. We offer 2, 3, and 4 week programs depending on your pup’s training needs, with our 2 week program starting at $2500. Our Academy Program includes:
- Two hours of playtime per day, either in playgroup or individually with our attendants
- 4 training sessions per day (15 minutes each)
- Photo and video updates of your pup’s progress
- A 30 minute private review session with your dog’s instructor upon pickup or a detailed packet depending on your preference
A 4 hour evaluation is required prior to enrolling in our Academy Program